SORG trauma section
Trauma was the initial starting point of SORG and is up and until today a central focus of the group. Even though, at least in Europe, the number trauma cases decrease, the higher functional and aesthetic expectations of the patient together with an increased cost pressure which urges the surgeon towards a thorough pre-surgical planning and a fast and uneventful recovery. Still we see a large difference in quality of patient care depending on the geographical area the surgical team is based. So besides research and development, teaching and education remains the main focus of our interest.
Research and development on the following subjects:
- Basic science on bone healing as well as on biomechanics
- Stress shielding after conventional versus locking plate treatment
- Diagnostics, visualization and imaging as well as preoperative surgical planning
- Instrumentation and surgical equipment for surgical practice
- Material science on biocompatible implant materials
- Autogenous vs. alloplastic tissue repair
- Resorbable materials
- Application of software, instrumentation and new elements which can incorporate into our clinical practice