SORG India
The SORG India Regional Group has been recently established at the occasion of the 2024 AOMSI National OMF Meeting in Kolkata, India, accompanied by a very well-attended SORG pre-conference titled “The mandible in the focus”.
This group will cover the entire range of scientific topics of today's CMF surgery, like trauma, TMJ, orthognathic, reconstructive, craniofacial, and preprosthetic surgery, but also fields like 3D-computer planning, orthodontics or distraction osteogenesis.
Close cooperation with SORG colleagues from other groups and sections worldwide is highly appreciated. Mutual exchange of scientific knowledge to further institutions in the area and beyond is a further important goal. SORG India is determined to offer a high-caliber postgraduate education program in contemporary OMF surgery in India in the coming years and looks forward to welcoming all participants.