SORG Europe
As one of the internationally defined groups S.O.R.G. e.V. represents a registered association in Tuttlingen which coordinates the work of all members in Europe. The history of the association goes back to the very beginning of SORG: In the year 1988, Professor Maxime Champy (Strasbourg), Professor Klaus-Louis Gerlach (Cologne), Professor Hans-Dieter Pape (Cologne) and Leen M. de Zeeuw (Tuttlingen) initiated to form a group of scientists, aiming to encourage and promote the use of the "Strasbourg Miniplate Osteosynthesis Technique" world-wide. Their original objective consisted in introducing the mini-plate osteosynthesis to establish it as the "golden standard".
In 2011 the SORG Members of Europe decided to found a registered association under the leadership of Prof. Henning Schliephake (Göttingen). A board carries out the ongoing business and is in charge of the association's issues.