Lead by two world renown oral & maxillofacial surgeons; Prof. Gwen Swennen and Prof. Alberto Bianchi, this one day hands-on workshop in Catania…
30 speakers, 12 moderators and around 300 participants from the national and international cranio-maxillofacial environment assisted to an excellent…
A 2-day SORG course on the basic principles of assessment and treatment in maxillofacial traumatology was celebrated on October 07th + 08th, 2019 in…
October 04th + 05th, 2019 was already the 3rd time for the SORG Latin American Group to organize an excellent course in Bogotá together with the OMF…
Lim Cheung was the first Chairman of the SORG South East Asia regional group since the group was founded at the occasion of ACOMS 2016 in Manila, The…
Despite of its relatively low case numbers, craniofacial anomalies and syndromic diseases develop in a multitude of different constellations.
For the first time ever, the well-introduced Vienna TMJ course travelled abroad: On September 6-9, 2019, the course took place in Kuala Lumpur,…
Around 40 participants joined the well-known North Wales Orthognathic Planning Course chaired by Mrs. Emma Woolley and Mr. David Richardson in the…
An interesting course concept was introduced by SORG by hosting two parallel fresh cadaver courses as BAOMS 2019 pre-conference events in the West…
The congress of the Italian Society of Cranio-Maxillofacial surgery (SICMF) in its 21st edition provided an excellent platform for the SORG satellite…
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