SORG Hans-Dieter Papke Congress Grant

SORG Hans-Dieter Pape Congress Grant

What is the SORG Hans-Dieter Pape congress grant about?

Are you innovative and constantly striving to improve patient care in OMF surgery? Are you ready to present and publish the results of your studies? 

Then stand up and let the professional world know about your ideas! SORG aims to stimulate professional exchange and debate amongst OMF specialists. The Hans-Dieter Pape congress grant is a support tool to help you attend and present your work to the wider OMF community leading to a better future for all of us. 

Guidelines for application

  • Please fill in the application form and submit it online.
  • The grant is limited to a maximum of 1,000 € per year (2x 500 €)  
  • All applicants have to submit their actual CV in English.
  • The grant is limited to junior hospital doctors such as residents in training and PhD students only.
  • The grant will support your travelling to relevant OMF congresses in order to present your ideas.
  • Preference will be given to applicants giving an oral or poster presentation at a congress. The title and the key content as well as the innovation potential must be recognizable.
  • Relevant information about the congress needs to be mentioned as well. 
  • A copy of the presentation’s abstract as well as the written acceptance by the scientific committee in charge including title and date of the presentation is also required.
  • The SORG Board will assign flat-rate support payments only, covering part of the travel and accommodation expense.
  • The SORG Board will take the decision on grants supported latest on a six months notice. 
  • There is no legal entitlement to funding. The legal process is categorically precluded.

SORG Hans-Dieter Pape Congress Grant

SORG Hans-Dieter Pape Congress Grant
Personal data
Academic titles and qualifications
Private address
Office address
Congress information
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