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Panfacial Trauma Management

Bi-Annual Amsterdam SORG Facial Trauma Cadaveric Course

Date: January 15 - 16, 2024 | Amsterdam

Panfacial Trauma Management

Including Anatomical Hands-on Dissection Part

Words from the Organizers

For the second time, SORG will run a hands-on dissection course on current cranio-maxillofacial trauma care, in the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This year’s course is dedicated to panfacial fracture management. The faculty is made up of the SORG Trauma Section which comprises a group of highly recognized international CMF specialists from all over Europe, supported by subject matter experts from other other medical specialties. Besides its easy accessibility, the city of Amsterdam boasts an excellent skills lab facility, which is amongst the most advanced in Europe. The course comprises focused teaching and intense hands-on cadaver exercises, enabling participants to gather a broad understanding and exposure to the most important areas in panfacial trauma management. SORG aims to repeat this course on a biannual basis. Let us stimulate yourselves with our passion for CMF trauma – We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam.  

- Niall McLeod (Chairman SORG Trauma Section), Leander Dubois (Local Course Chairman), Oliver Scheunemann (SORG Secretary General)

Target group - Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for young and ambitious colleagues seeking to gain an overview on contemporary panfacial trauma care as well as experienced surgeons seeking for actualization and international exchange.

Language | English (no simultaneous translation will be offered)

Accredited with 13.5 EACMFS (CME/CPD) credit points.

Course venue I Amsterdam Skill Center ASC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Course fee | 1.390 € (Full participation including complete workshop participation)
Course dinner | 70 € (15 January 2024, 7:00 p.m.)

Limited to a max. of 24 attendees. 2 participants per cadaver specimen.

Insurance | The course organization does not arrange insurance to cover participants against accidents or other risks. Personal belongings in the lecture or workshop rooms are at the responsibility of their owner.


Organizer on behalf of S.O.R.G. e.V.: KLS Martin SE & Co. KG, KLS Martin Platz 1, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany




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