Header Associate Membership

Why SORG needs associate members?

In recent years, SORG has expanded its regional activities and become a global institution in the delivery of postgraduate oral and maxillofacial surgery. Growth and expansion require motivated colleagues worldwide to reliably perpetuate SORG's teaching principles and ethos through regional course activities, workshops, and symposia. The value of a sustainable professional OMFS social network cannot be understated and is a guiding goal of the SORG family. As the digital world has become the basis of true globalization, we invite you to build your own network. The OMFS world is getting closer and you can become a part of it!

The associate membership in SORG is your individual pathway to enter the SORG community and become an active promoter of SORG in your country and region enjoying the social interaction of the SORG group whilst enlarging your global OMF contacts. 


So how to become SORG associate member?

Prospective candidates should fulfil the following essentials (mandatory):

  • The candidate is proficient in the Champy principles of load-sharing osteosynthesis methods in mandibular trauma management
  • Has completed training in OMFS or equivalent discipline with a minimum of 3 years of professional experience
  • Should be employed or partly employed by a University/Public hospital or similar
  • Has a proven interest in scientific research demonstrated by a minimum 3 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals 
  • In addition to a full training in modern OMF and/or dental fields, should identify a maximum of two fields of special interest
  • Obtain a recommendation from a current SORG member or KLS Martin representative


Ideally prospective candidates should also have the following desirable attributes:

  • Familiar to SORG and already participated in at least two SORG courses
  • Highly motivated and keen to contribute to future SORG courses
  • Solid and reliable communicators fluent in both written and spoken English
  • Additional foreign language skills 

Please hand in a complete and representative CV in the English language in order to document your experience and your specific fields of interest. Please let us know, which section or regional group would be most attractive to you. 

Join us and become SORG associate member

S.O.R.G. e.V. invites you to become an associate member of one of the most significant global scientific associations in oral and craniomaxillofacial surgery. Enhance your knowledge, your expertise and your global network by joining us.

Membership benefits include:

  • Regular virtual newsletter on courses and workshops
  • Yearly information regarding the SORG General Assembly 
  • Integration into SORG faculty activities (invitation at discretion of SORG Section or Group chairs) 
  • Preferred review on applications to all SORG grants (letter of recommendation not compulsory) 
  • Access to the SORG network worldwide

Reduced membership fee of 40 € per year 
*(in acc. with current compliance rules) 

North American applicants: Please note that at this time, Associate Membership in North America is limited to oral and maxillofacial surgeons only.

All benefits will be applicable once the admission committee who meet quarterly to review applications officially approves Associate Membership.

Fill in the application form below and submit your detailed CV in English to make it happen.

Video SORG Associate Membership | Becking
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Associate Membership

Associate Membership
Work address
Private address
Language skills
Medical schooling
Post-graduate education (latest)
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